Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Assessment 13th July JIN

WWW:Lots of nice visual material here- photos and contact sheets. Some appropriate use of Media Langauge. Good reflective comments on product, role, process and analysis of other work. Very good effort- More please!

EBI:Perhaps you could try to intergrate as Much Media Language into your work as possible to really reach for the L4!

Effort: EX

Friday, 8 July 2011

Finished In The Sun Task

WWW: I believe our class version of the She and Him 'In the Sun' video was very successful as the shots that we filmed were very similar to the original music video. All of the costumes were very well put together and the props that were needed were in the correct place with the right people. The lip syncing and performance of everyone in the class was highly energetic and entertaining, which made the music video full of life and interesting to watch.
The cinematography was also one of the positives that stood out in the final video, various different shots were used such as mid shots and long shots which show the movement.
The editing was also highly successful,the cuts were made quite precisely making the video flow and the continuity perfect.

EBI: There are a few shots that weren't still, for example the shot zooming out of the feet walking forwards. To improve this it could have refilmed and perfected however this was difficult due to lack of equipment.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Developing My Skills On Final Cut Express

We were put in small groups to edit the class version of the 'In the Sun' video, we had to use the editing programme Final Cut Express to put the clips and music together. As Final Cut was new to me I had to listen carefully to instructions as it is very different to Imovie. Firstly we had to choose the most appropriate clips for the video and cut them to right size in which they would fit the music and lip syncing. We then had to download the song to itunes and import it into Final Cut Express, which enabled me to put the video clips on top and cut them to correct size using the razor tool. 
I found that it took me a while to get used to using Final Cut Express as I wasn't familiar to it as I was with IMovie however I soon picked up on the keys and tools that were used to put the clips together.

My Progress From Year 12 Into Year 13 In Media

I believe that I have made great progess in my work since year 12, in this short time I believe I am concentrating much more on my work and making a greater effort to complete work on time and be organised. Although we created story boards in year 12 I think they were not created well enough to benefit the planning of our thriller opening. I feel that I am planning my work and actions much more effeciently since year 12, I have been making lists and filling out story boards taking care, ensuring that the work is in great detail. I also think that I have been taking alot more time in doing research. I have been watching and taking notes on the original Him and Her In the Sun video and various other schools music videos to find good and bad aspects in a music video in order to avoid creating a bad music video, which includes things such as viewer fatigue.

This year I have much more confidence in performing in front of the camera due to the practise time we have had in seperate groups. I feel that I can improve my performance in front of the camera due to the fact that I have more confidence.I think that this year I have learnt more about setting up a shot and planning how long it should be on to avoid viewer fatigue. Our thriller film wasn't planned out as well as our new 'In the Sun' video.

You can see the progress I have made from year 12 into year 13 by comparing these two contact sheets, each of which are contrasting. The 'In The Sun' lip sync task contact sheet show a variety of different locations where as in the thriller trailer we only chose two locations which is slightly boring and repetitive. We have also used more long shots and mid shots rather than a sequence of close ups. The 'In The Sun' lip sync task video had birds eye view shots and shots taken from the side shown in the 6th screen grab. During the move from year 12 to year 13 I have learnt it is important to focus on making a video or sequence as exciting as possible, by changing every variable such as location, costume and shot type. Also to make sure everything is perfect by not having any wobbly shots or lip sync out of time. 


What Went Well:
  • I feel the organisation of the day was very well planned out, all the props were ready when they were needed and there were enough for everyone that needed them for example, there were more than enough hula hoops in case some were broken or more dancers were needed.
  • I also think I did a good job on choosing and designing the props, the majority of them were very similar to those seen in the original music video.
  • I feel that my performance was successful, I was ready on set at all times ready to perform and I feel I put alot of effort into the dancing in exaggerating my moves making the performance look more bouncy and energetic.
Even Better If:
  • I think my time could have been organised a little better, although the props were on set at the right time I rushed to get some props as I didn't have time to get them myself.

Reflecting on Music Video Challenge

During the planning and the day of our class performance I was responsible for the props. Firstly I had to watch the music video and write a list of what props were needed at what times. I then emailed teachers in order to find out if the class could use props such as hula hoops and books. I also asked around the class for people to bring in other equipment such as the guitar and amp.

Along with another class member I placed the correct props in the right place, the first props I had to set up were in the locker for the very first shot. I was also responsible for making sure the props were available at the right time so they could be used by those performing. I made sure the props were put back where they were found after they had been used.

  • I learnt that the role of prop manager is very important because if there isn't the appropriate props at the time needed then filming is halted due to lack of props.
  • Having the props on hand and ready helps the filming to flow, the people taking part in filming do not have to wait on set while props are found.
I was also one of the dancers and I found it is important to be around and close to set at all times in case I was needed. It was also essential to remember the dance which will make the performance look professional and it also take less times to film when the cast remembers the dance steps.

What Makes a Good Music Video?

  • Short clips and different locations will help avoid viewer fatigue, with contrasting backgrounds and a well composed mise en scene the viewer will enjoy the music video
  • Costume changes are also another aspect that avoid viewer fatigue, when the performers wear various costumes it causes the video to be more interesting
  • Performance; people in the video have to exaggerate their performance to make it more creative and exciting
  • For the performance to be effective the cast have to have alot of confidence
  • The lip syncing has to be perfectly on time for the performance to be effective, if it isn't on time the video will not look proffesional
I believe Lady Gaga's Paparazzi is a good music video, there are many different locations which makes the video more fun and interesting. She also has over 6 costume and location changes, each costume is completely contrasting making the video quite different and querky. Many different shot types have been used to also avoid viewer fatigue. There are a range of colours involved in the video, there isn't one main colour that is prominent therefore there is different things to be looking at and focusing on. I also think the lighting in this video is quite effective, it varies from light to dark creating different moods.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Free Choice - Own Lip Sync

I chose to create a video to the song 'Do Wah Doo' by Kate Nash as my free choice lip sync task, this was my choice as it is a fun and easy going pop song. I set up a tripod to record my own performance and edited the various clips on Windows Media Player as I didn't have access to IMovie.

  • I think I did well at making sure I could avoid viewer fatigue as best as possible. I made three costume and location changes to make the video slightly more interesting however I kept them quite low key and simple as I feel the sing is quite girly and feminine rather than drastic and exaggerated.
  • I feel I used a range of shots which would also help to avoid viewer fatigue.
  • All of the shots were held steady as I used a tripod. 
  • In a few of the shots the lip syncing isn't in time, which means I could have spent a little bit more time on perfecting the edting. However when the video was in Windows Media Player it was on time, whilst saving the video some of it has come out of sync. 
  • Also some of the shots are slightly jumpy, this is either to do with the camera or editing programme. I could have re filmed these shots to make them perfect.