Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


  1. FANTASTIC JADE- a really good 1st attempt. Don't forget you are using Blogger! I also would expect you to perhaps add in some images of you all using each of the technologies to nail the L4. Well Done- so good! JIN 15/1/2012

  2. Jade;

    WWW:You have clearly shown all the technology that you used well in this Scribd Document.It is easy to scroll through and read all the information on each of the slides.
    You also explained how, why and when you used each technology which allows for a great explanation.

    EBI: You can add in some images of your Media group using these specific technologies or perhaps a video of your group discussing your opportunitite to use all these Media Studies technologies.

  3. Kayleigh Hobbs wrote the 2nd comment
