Sunday, 16 October 2011

Planning posts - checking your progress Oct 16th SJA

  • Your posts for 'Intial Ideas' and 'Job Roles' are brilliant Jade - lovely idea, and really creative use of video to communicate effectively
  • Thoughtful comments for your 'Lyrics Annotations' - your group has some brilliant ideas, and I am really looking forward to seeing them come to life in your video
  • Jade, your planning posts are not as compelte as I was hoping they would be? Some work that should be here is missing??
  • Uplaod your 'Technical tutorials' and make sure you provide a thoughtful,  written explanation of what you did with the green screen and on Final Cut, and how these technical aspects might influence your own ideas for the video
  • Where is your photoshop work for the CD cover practice? This needs to be included.

Overall assessment of 'Planning' so far: Unfortunately, it has to be IN (Improvement Needed). I know you will get this sorted out this coming week Jade. To reach the top of Level 4 (which is what you are certainly aiming for) you need to continue to show your excellent grasp of creativity, innovation, imagination and ICT technical flair for every post. The 'Planning' section of your blog really should provide you with loads of opportunities to demonstrate all of these things.
You and your group have selected a great track from a really interesting artist, and it should give you lots to experiment with in terms of mise-en-scene and representation. I am really looking forward to seeing what your group comes up with.

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